"Le Casel" de Château-Thierry "Le Casel" de Château-Thierry

Sugar in all its forms

Source : Pâtisserie Artisanale Française

When worked by skillful hands, sugar offers a wealth of possibilities for pastry decoration and presentations. Sugar breads have been sculpted, icing sugar enabled the confection of very realistic monuments in pelletizing like a catheddral for example. Since the sixteenth century, candy makers and more recently confectioners were able to mimick flowers and fruits and were able to make true pieces of art made of sugar either drawn or blown or made of nougatine.

Carton magasin Léon HESS

From 1968 on,  probably bored by old shopwindows and looking for new and lighter pastries, the French start asking for a new range of innovative desserts. Gaston LENOTRE and a few other master confectioners are the heralds of this renewal.

Many cakes claim their origins by placing small medallions or signed friezes on their sides. For twenty years confectioners have been showing a remarkable dynamism in terms of creation and presentation. Customers enjoy the return of classics such as pies with fresh fruits, homemade madeleines and gingerbreads.




source : « le Petit Parisien » - newspaper dated February 29th 1912
The culinary contest debutes today at Porte Maillot.
Mr. Jumin, president of the food and culinary philanthropic Union, organizes each year at this time the International Food, Cooking and Hygiene exhibition.

This interesting event will be inaugurated by the Agriculture Minister this afternoon at two at Luna Park Porte Maillot.
Everything has been done to attract and entertain visitors.

On top of the abundance of tasteful candy, made to please the most delicate taste buds, a series of instructive, yet fun, shows has been organized.

From next Monday on for more than a week a series of contests will be held. Competitors will show their talent in front of the crowd.

Contest Porte Maillot

Inauguration by President Poincaré of the 1913
Contest at Porte Maillot
Source: Gallica-Bnf

The saint Chapel made of sugar

The saint Chapel made of sugar
Source: Gallica-Bnf

Jelly decoration on cold cuts contest, sugar flower contest, home and commercial cooking contest, apprentice contest etc…to finish with the celebration of the winners and a lottery.

This exhibition will also enable producers to showcase their products, their innovations in the materials and tooling. The exhibition will close on March 11th in the evening.